On Tuesday 16th April 2024, nine of our students had the opportunity to take part in the ‘Boys to the Bush’ mentoring Program.  They visited the Kamarooka community and supported them by working at a property that was unfortunately a bit overgrown. They helped by mowing, whipper snipping, chopping trees off fences, weeding and other jobs to help make the recreation reserve look much neater.  A community member made the boys some rum balls and other treats.  Another member came and spoke to them about the community and what the boys helping out meant to them.  The boys then cooked a BBQ for lunch and spent some time in nature, visiting a dam and looking around the local area.

They returned to school in their ‘Boys to the Bush’ t-shirts and hats, with big smiles on their faces.  The group will head out each Tuesday for five weeks and they are already looking forward to next week. Below is a photo of the boys who attended.